Friday, September 4, 2015


                  War. As human beings, it is in our nature to fight. But now, we fight for things like spreading our religion, getting rid of undesirables, resources, and domination. And it is because of these things that millions of people die, most notable are civilians. In almost every war, most of the deaths have been young kids and women. In WW2 the Nazis killed more than 5 million Jews were killed in the holocaust. When the U.S dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, an estimated 226,000 people died. People are getting caught in the cross fire in the middle east. The families who live in areas of conflict try their best to flee to somewhere safe. They risk everything to ensure that they can protect there family and be free from Isis control. They go on a very dangerous journey to a country were they hope they can be safe. They sail across the Mediterranean on crowded rafts, even though the risk sinking and drowning. Then they buy train tickets with the money the have left, hoping they won't be denied a seat. They hope that the train doesn't get stopped and every on board doesn't get sent right back to where they started. Perhaps the most dangerous part of the journey is the ride across the Mediterranean. For one man, it is a moment he will never forget. Recently, two boats filled with refugees were sailing across the Mediterranean when it capsized near Turkey. A man tried to hold on to his wife and two sons. The family didn't have enough money for life jackets so no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold on to his family. His wife and two sons drowned and the body of his 3 year old son washed up on the shore face down in the sand. A photographer took a picture of the boy and it gained global recognition of just how important the European immigration crisis is.

                 A photo taken during the Vietnam War shows little kids running from their burning village after a napalm strike. These little kids lost there homes, which is probably the only thing they have left. It made me think, " Why?". I read the caption under the photo and it said SUSPECTED Viet Cong hiding places. You destroy the frightened kids homes because of a thought. I also saw a picture of "Tank Man", the rebel who stood in front of the Chinese tanks in protest. Before, students demanded democratic reforms. The Chinese government began a crackdown of the protest and many of them were killed. The man knew this and still protested, showing the world what bravery is. I believe that we CAN live in a world where people can have different religions and still be able to love each other and respect each other because the people who die most in wars are the the people who just want to be happy and not worry about whether they are going to attack the town or when there will be another airstrike . And when the battle is over there towns and villages are left to pieces and they are forced to find shelter else where. So stop the fighting because it is the old who declare war and the young who die fighting them.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect. Excellent analysis and insight. We will be discussing the nature of war and its global impact at great length throughout the duration of this class. I hope that you will continue to provide your perspective and opinions on the subjects at hand.

    Keep up the great work.

    - Gill
